Hampstead, mid-morning, June

A colourful kitchen garden made in the heart of London directly above an underground swimming pool

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An impressive pergola built from majestic oak columns frames the tall kitchen bay window and doors

Large trees were craned over the high old brick walls and planted around the underground building structure

Lightweight structure and mass were introduced in the centre of the garden and on top of the basement by planting espalier fruit trees, hornbeam columns and rambling roses trained over metal frames

An impressive pergola built from majestic oak columns frames the tall kitchen bay window and doors

Employing the potager style allows dense planting across the garden achieving successional flowering from early Spring through to the Autumn

Journeys have been created along narrow paths that run through the flowers and produce grown either side of them; seating areas are cossetted by the generous planting

Architect - Ben Pentreath (Meg Hudson)


West Kent

